Monday, June 28, 2010

It's like I like it

Forcing creativity is like trying to ride a bicycle with square tires.

Insert even more awesome and snappy phrase here --------->

Followed by a trippy mindfuck -----> 0

It's in that hole. In case you were wondering.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

In June

"After the game,
the king and the pawn go into the same box."

Italian Proverb.

Live how you choose. Control you OWN destiny.

"We make our fortunes, and we call them fate."

Earl of Beaconsfield.

You can do great things.

"Most of the shadows of this life are caused by our standing in our own sunshine."

Ralph Waldo Emerson.


Thursday, June 3, 2010

Wind of We

Drifting mahogany scents entangle with descending leaves,

More than quiet livelihood

Entertaining the senses, purity and serene

Plunging and fluttering amongst the breeze

I wouldn't, Wait, Yes I would.

Forever will you dance with me?

The cool nights begin to freeze

All at once the life is gone

Until something strange becomes anew

As briskly appearing as the dawn

The chickadees all atwitter

Gentle changing iced morning dew

Forever, forever?

Wonderful emotions never bitter

And the snow falls

A voice whispers "Never, never"

Fragile allure becomes enraged

Violence hiding in the aphotic scenery enthralls

The wandering soul is now intangible

Concealed and absent.


Earth softens, the departed ones again animate

Colorful insects zoom and buzz busily

The blustery weather came and went

Moisture collects and from there consolidates

Dripping, dripping freely, easily

Run away, Far away


Today, today

The spirit contrives revenge

She lays in wait

Angry and cold

Consumed by hate

The wind whispers a message

"Alone, alone."

Non compos mentis sanity alleged

I speak to the wind

"Forever, forever?"

Banteringly mocking replies

"And ever, and ever."

By Miranda PierceJune 2, 2010I hope you like it!~~M